“Monsanto lobbyists have been banned from entering the European parliament after the multinational refused to attend a parliamentary hearing into allegations of regulatory interference.” Reported in the Guardian on September 28th.
“It is the first time MEPs have used new rules to withdraw parliamentary access for firms that ignore a summons to attend parliamentary inquiries or hearings.”
“Monsanto officials will now be unable to meet MEPs, attend committee meetings or use digital resources on parliament premises in Brussels or Strasbourg.”
The new rules for procedures of the EU Parliament were set in January 2017 and allow the Parliament to withdraw or deactivate temporary access where there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct for Registrants, where they have been guilty of a serious breach of the obligations, or have refused to comply with a formal summons to attend a hearing or committee meeting or to cooperate with a committee of inquiry, without offering a sufficient justification.
You can read the full article here.